Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Serenity Prayer  (Prayer 4)  

This prayer is attributed to American theologian, public intellectual, commentator on politics and professor Reinhold Niebuhr (June 21, 1892 – June 1, 1971)

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

(March 8, 1948 cover of Time magazine)

Monday, October 22, 2012

A prayer for ultimate conquest of self in terms of mind, physique and spirit

Prayer 3

Dear God,

Thanks for a fruitful and relaxing day.

I'm praying for a more vigorous and even rigorous day tomorrow and in the days to come.

Please help remind me---One of the conquests which I need to achieve isn't just more business deals or other feats, but conquering myself in terms of real self-discipline of mind, physique and spirit!

Discipline is freedom and true victory!

(This image above from voiceofglass.com)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seeking continuous positive change and self-renewal   (Prayer 2)

Dear God,

Thank you for a new week, this is another chance to be better and a signal of renewal.

Remind me that in this life, I should endlessly seek positive changes to improve, educate, strengthen, simplify, purify and truly better myself.

Life is a nonstop journey of education, adventure and work.

What changes can I try to achieve this week? Can I seek your help? I shall write them down, including my goals and with tentative deadlines.

Why should we human beings do only resolutions every new year, why not every new week or even every new day?

Let me be a blessing to the world and to help fulfill your will, although I am not a religious person.

Help me grow in faith, so that I can have the strength to decisively and continuously renew myself.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A reminder to myself to pray everyday...

Can I tweet, text or email a prayer to God?

Are most people still praying in this modern world?

Over 1 billion people of the Muslim faith pray 5 times a day, why can't I do so too as a Christian?

"Prayer can move mountains." What about human hearts, minds and souls?

This is a very short first prayer via blog...  (Prayer No. 1)

Dear God,

Thank you for the priceless gift of life. Please remind me each day that it is fleeting and short.

Thank you for the many blessings. Please remind me to count and cherish all of my blessings.

Help me in accomplishing my goals and dreams. Please remind me that I need to conquer self first.

Help me to be a blessing to others.